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 Home > Baby > Brit Milah > Where is to hold Brit Celebration?
Brit Milah (Bris): Time of Celebratoion
Bringing Newborn Jewish Boys Into the Covenant
Customarily, the Brit Milah (בְּרִית מִילָה) ceremony is performed on the eighth day of a Jewish boy's life. It is a Mitzvah in itself to make Brit Milah as beautiful and meaningful as possible. This is accomplished, in part, by careful attention to the details of carrying out the commandment, such as determining the day and choosing the time.

Abraham, father of the Jewish nation, and the recipient of the commandment for the Brit Milah, the circumcision, is the first Jewish father to fulfill the mitzvah. And indeed, Abraham circumcised his son Isaac on the eighth day after birth. A Brit ceremony must be scheduled between sunrise and sunset, however, since it is preferable to perform mitzvot with alacrity, it is customary to schedule a Brit as early in the day as possible. Generally Brit Milah celebrations at the Synagogue follow the morning services.

Explanations for the Torah's specification of the eighth day include a midrashic source that teaches that God had pity on the child and waited until he had the physical strength to undergo the rite. (Devarim Rabbah 6:1) Also, it is suggested that a Shabbat passes between the birth and the Brit, providing the newborn with spiritual strength. Interestingly, medical studies find that major clotting factors are at peak (higher than any other time in a person's lifetime) on the eighth day after birth.

The day of birth counts as the first day, hence a boy born after sunset on a Sunday but before sunset on a Monday will be circumcised the following Monday.

A Brit may not be performed on a sick child and must be postponed until he has fully recovered. The Mohel (the circumciser) determines readiness of baby for the Brit, often with doctor consultation. A Brit delayed for any reason, a Brit for the purpose of conversion, and a Brit for a baby born by Caesarean section may not take place on the Sabbath or a festival.

A Brit on Shabbat
If following a natural delivery (to exclude caesarean births) the Brit falls out on Shabbat, all preparations for the Brit must be done prior to the onset of Shabbat (which begins with sunset on Friday). One should consult a competent Rabbi for the proper procedures.

Rosh Hashanah:
The Brit is performed following the Torah reading of the morning services, before the sounding of the Shofar.

Yom Kippur:
The Brit is performed following the Torah reading of the morning services. The celebratory meal is held at night, after the fast is over.

The Brit is performed in the usual time, but not in the Sukkah. However, the celebratory meal is held in the Sukkah.

The Brit is performed following the Torah reading of the morning services, but before the reading of the Megillah. If it is performed at home it is done after the reading of the Megillah.

Tisha B'Av:
The Brit is performed following the recitation of the Kinot. The celebratory meal is held at night, after the fast is over.


More about the Brit Milah:
Brit Milah: The Covenant of Circumcision, an overview.
Brit Milah: Biblical Commandment
Leil Shimurim: The Evening Before the Brit Ceremony
Brit Milah: The Venue
Brit Milah: Best time for Ceremony
Brit Milah: The Ceremony
Brit Milah: The Controversy
       • Brit Milah: Benefits - AP Article
       • Brit Milah: Benefits - BBC Article

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